Press Release – Founding Advisor Teams Join Snowden Capital Advisors
November 2012
DiCiaccio and LaMothe-Gonzalez Groups join Snowden as founding advisor teams
Snowden Capital Advisors LLC, an independent, advisor owned, wealth advisory firm dedicated to providing client-focused advice in a values- driven culture, today announced two founding advisor teams, the DiCiaccio and LaMothe- Gonzalez Groups, have joined the firm. The DiCiaccio team includes Managing Director John DiCiaccio and Vice President Leah Thomson Snell while the LaMothe-Gonzalez team includes Managing Directors Jon LaMothe and Luis Gonzalez, all of whom have become Snowden partners.
Snowden is a nationally branded, registered investment adviser and broker-dealer that provides wealth advisory services to individuals, families, and institutional clients.
The DiCiaccio and LaMothe-Gonzalez teams join from Merrill Lynch bringing over 100 years of wealth advisory experience to Snowden and have opened a West Coast branch office in Pasadena, California. The DiCiaccio Group has been ranked in Barron’s “Top 100 Financial Advisors.”Snowden’s new advisor teams manage in excess of $500 million of client assets and substantially strengthen the firm’s advisory capabilities.
Snowden co-founder, Managing Partner and CEO, Rob Mooney, said “We are excited to have such high quality, ‘culture carrying’ advisor teams place their trust in our firm.”
Founding Partner, John DiCiaccio, said “We considered a number of options in choosing to become independent, and Snowden’s values-driven, client-centric culture is very appealing to our team and our clients. We also appreciate the extensive industry leadership experience of Snowden’s management team.”
Founding Partner, Jon LaMothe, added “We believe Snowden has the breadth of advisory services and support and represents a superior platform for our clients.” His partner, Luis Gonzalez, said“We believe Snowden’s independent, dually registered, open architecture model is emerging as a strong growth model in the industry.”
John Morris, co-founder and Managing Partner responsible for Investment Solutions and Business Development, said “Snowden’s wealth advisory capabilities provide our founding partners and their clients with the broadest range of investment solutions and avoid the conflicts of interest and bureaucracy that exist in many large firms.”
Snowden is headquartered in New York City and operates an SEC registered investment adviser and affiliated broker-dealer. Snowden provides a multi-custodian, multi-currency platform, with aggregated performance reporting and leading analytical tools for clients and advisors. It further provides full operational, finance, compliance, human resources and advisor transition support to its advisors through a highly experienced management team.