Retirement Engagement Quiz: How Will You Stay in the Game?

September 2024

Retirement Engagement Quiz: How Will You Stay in the Game?


Which activity is recommended to keep your mind sharp in retirement?

  1. A) Binge-watching every new TV series
  2. B) Solving puzzles and playing strategy games
  3. C) Memorizing the phone book
  4. D) Learning a new language
  • Volunteering is a great way to stay active. Which of these is a popular option for retirees?
    1. A) Teaching or tutoring
    2. B) Competitive eating
    3. C) Road testing sports cars
    4. D) Underwater basket weaving
  • Staying physically active is key. What’s a fun way to exercise in retirement?
    1. A) Marathon Netflix sessions
    2. B) Joining a dance class
    3. C) Chasing after the ice cream truck
    4. D) Practicing yoga or tai chi
  • What’s a great way to stay socially connected in retirement?
    1. A) Starting an argument on social media
    2. B) Joining clubs or groups that share your interests
    3. C) Sending smoke signals to neighbors
    4. D) Hosting game nights or dinner parties
  • How can retirees use their skills to feel useful and relevant?
    1. A) By becoming armchair critics
    2. B) Starting a small business or consultancy
    3. C) Inventing a new type of sandwich
    4. D) Mentoring younger generations in their former profession
  • Which hobby might help a retiree make new friends and engage with the community?
    1. A) People watching from a park bench
    2. B) Gardening or joining a community garden
    3. C) Collecting rare dust particles
    4. D) Participating in community theater
  • What’s a rewarding way to pass on your knowledge and experience?
    1. A) Writing a book or blog
    2. B) Telling tall tales
    3. C) Starting a YouTube channel on practical jokes
    4. D) Becoming a local guide or historian
  • To keep feeling relevant, what could retirees do?
    1. A) Regularly update their resume
    2. B) Take courses at local community centers or online
    3. C) Perfect the art of the prank call
    4. D) Teach or take up new technologies
  • What type of travel might appeal to retirees looking to expand their horizons?
    1. A) Time travel
    2. B) Cultural exchange programs
    3. C) Following their favorite food trucks cross-country
    4. D) Voluntourism or historical tours
  • How can retirees ensure they stay financially savvy?
    1. A) Playing Monopoly for keeps
    2. B) Joining investment clubs or attending finance workshops
    3. C) Betting on turtle races
    4. D) Keeping up-to-date with financial news and trends


For each response, give yourself points as follows:

  • B and D answers: These are usually the engaging options. Award yourself 1 point for each of these you picked.
  • A and C answers: These are the fun, quirky options (because who doesn’t want to chase an ice cream truck?). No points for these, but definitely consider them for a good laugh!

Total up your points and see where you stand:

  • 8-10 Points: “Retirement Rockstar!” You’re ready to make your retirement as legendary as your work stories no one believes. You might even start a new trend in the retiree community!
  • 5-7 Points: “Semi-Engaged Enthusiast!” You’ve got one foot in the retirement fun zone. A little push and you might find yourself leading a conga line at the next community dance-off.

0-4 Points: “Reluctant Retiree!” It looks like you might still be in work mode. It’s time to swap those spreadsheets for something that sparks joy—or at least something that doesn’t require a monthly report.


Contact The DiCiacco Team today, and let’s embark on this journey together.

We invite you to take the first step towards understanding and transforming your financial dreams into reality by scheduling a consultation with us. This exploratory conversation will offer us both the opportunity to see if we’re a good fit, ensuring that your financial goals and our expertise align perfectly. Together, let’s unlock the full potential of your investments and pave the way for a prosperous financial future.


Leah Thomson Snell, CFP®

Partner & Managing Director



John DiCiaccio

Partner & Managing Director


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