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Snowden Capital Advisors LLC Form ADV Part 2A (Firm Brochure)

Snowden Capital Advisors LLC Form ADV Part 2A Appendix 1 (Wrap Fee Program Brochure)

Snowden Lane Partners Ancillary Fee Schedule

Snowden Account Services LLC and Snowden Capital Advisors LLC Customer Relationship Summaries (Form CRS)

Regulation Best Interest Disclosure Statement


These brochures provide information about the qualifications and business practices of Snowden Capital Advisors LLC. The information in these brochures has not been approved or verified by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or by any state securities authority. Snowden Capital Advisors LLC is an SEC-registered investment adviser. Such registration does not imply a certain level of skill or training.



540 Madison Wealth Advisors

Form ADV Part 2B Toledo

Form ADV Part 2B Mejia

Form ADV Part 2B Garcia

Form ADV Part 2B Bathelmy


Andrew Leventhal Private Wealth Management

Form ADV Part 2B Leventhal


Cannon Vegas Asset Management

Form ADV Part 2B Cannon

Form ADV Part 2B Vegas


Esses Group Wealth Management

Form ADV Part 2B T Esses

Form ADV Part 2B J Esses


MR Wealth Management

Form ADV Part 2B Rodriguez


The Bird Group

Form ADV Part 2B Bird


The Davidson Group

Form ADV Part 2B Davidson


The DiCiaccio Team

Form ADV Part 2B DiCiaccio

Form ADV Part 2B Snell

Form ADV Part 2B Cepeda


The Elekto Wealth Advisory Group

Form ADV Part 2B Begina


The LaMothe-Gonzalez Group

Form ADV Part 2B J LaMothe

Form ADV Part 2B Gonzalez


The Mahoney Wealth Advisory Group

Form ADV Part 2B Mahoney


Strategic Management Group

Form ADV Part 2B Barocas

Form ADV Part 2B Selva


The Hoffman Group

Form ADV Part 2B R Hoffman

Form ADV Part 2B L Manzanares


The Harbor Wealth Advisory Group

Form ADV Part 2B Lazzari

Form ADV Part 2B Stevens

Form ADV Part 2B Watson

Form ADV Part 2B Woolford


The Hogan Eller Group

Form ADV Part 2B Hogan

Form ADV Part 2B Eller


The Castleberry Group
Form ADV Part 2B Castleberry


The Hwang Group

Form ADV Part 2B Hwang


Veritas Private Wealth Management Group

Form ADV Part 2B Clinton

Form ADV Part 2B Pedrena


The Feldman Group

Form ADV Part 2B Feldman

Form ADV Part 2B Bowen


Riverstone Capital Wealth Group – Bethesda

Form ADV Part 2B Mayo

Form ADV Part 2B Bryer

Form ADV Part 2B Perraut

Form ADV Part 2B Gill


Riverstone Capital Wealth Group – Ocean Pines

Form ADV Part 2B Kirby

Form ADV Part 2B Hayes


The LDR International Group

Form ADV Part 2B Leyva

Form ADV Part 2B Dipp

Form ADV Part 2B Arista


The Private Wealth Management Group

Form ADV Part 2B Parr

Form ADV Part 2B Murillo

Form ADV Part 2B Rego

Form ADV Part 2B Arias

Form ADV Part 2B Bravo


Magnolia Wealth

Form ADV Part 2B Markel

Form ADV Part 2B Schmatz

Form ADV Part 2B Kreuzer


The OSM Global Wealth Management Group

Form ADV Part 2B Silva

Form ADV Part 2B Oliveira

Form ADV Part 2B Mogro


Hewitt Group

Form ADV Part 2B Hewitt


Ureña Wealth Management Group

Form ADV Part 2B Ureña

Form ADV Part 2B Haza

Form ADV Part 2B Macias


Form ADV Part 2B Raieta

Form ADV Part 2B Moreno


Paula A. Oddone

Form ADV Part 2B Oddone


The Heitner Group

Form ADV Part 2B Heitner

Form ADV Part 2B Gallo


The Conway Group

Form ADV Part 2B Conway


The Mile Creek Global Group

Form ADV Part 2B Katzmann

Form ADV Part 2B Sedeno

Form ADV Part 2B Randak


The Gonzalez Ocque Group

Form ADV Part 2B Gonzales Ocque


Jacobi/Hakala Group

Form ADV Part 2B Hakala

Form ADV Part 2B Jacobi


Form ADV Part 2B Green


The Upland Group

Form ADV Part 2B Bartholow

Form ADV Part 2B Kerr


The Alvarez Group

Form ADV Part 2B Alvarez


The Torres Group

Form ADV Part 2B Torres


The Gherardi Group

Form ADV Part 2B Gherardi

Form ADV Part 2B Pelaez


Mountain West Advisors

Form ADV Part 2B WCayton

Form ADV Part 2B SCayton


The Zuckerman McManus Wealth Advisory Group

Form ADV Part 2B McManus

Form ADV Part 2B Zuckerman


These brochure supplements provide information about the qualifications, educational backgrounds, business experience and other pertinent information about the investment advisors at Snowden Capital Advisors LLC. The information in these brochures has not been approved or verified by the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or by any state securities authority. Snowden Capital Advisors LLC is an SEC-registered investment adviser. Such registration does not imply certain level of skill or training

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